Valentine's Day, a holiday honoring love and lovers, is celebrated on
February 14th.
Valentine: noun
- A sentimental or humorous greeting card to a sweetheart, friend,
or family member on Saint Valentine's Day.
- A gift sent as a token of love to one's sweetheart on Saint
Valentine's Day.
- A person singled out especially as one's sweetheart on Saint
Valentine's Day
Send a Virtual Card!
Romantic Links
- LovingYou.Com
All things romantic - chats, postcards, poems, stories, quotes and more.
- Valentine.Com
Cards, letters, advice, chat, stories, links and more.
- Amore on the Net
The Story of Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Cards, Cupid,
Make a Secret Valentine for someone special (a crafts project for
the kids), Create-A-Card, Holiday Music.
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