How about answering a little silly winter survey? It'll only take a minute (honest!). After several people will answer it I'll compile a answers page too :-)
Your name: Email address: What are the best things about winter? What are the worst things about winter? what is your favorite soup flavor? what is your favorite tea flavor? what do you like to wear on winter? what is the color of your umbrella? how do u keep warm? what is your favorite winter sport? Does it snow where you live? Yes No Sometimes Have u ever build a snowman? Is this survey too long? Yes. No. I don't know. Compare to what? Everything in life is relative. Does it matter? So what? Will you visit my site again? Sure will! I don't know Maybe Nope
What are the best things about winter?
What are the worst things about winter?
what do you like to wear on winter?
how do u keep warm?
Yes No Sometimes
Yes. No. I don't know. Compare to what? Everything in life is relative. Does it matter? So what?
Sure will! I don't know Maybe Nope
Graphics by: © Racheli Sokol.