Treasure Hunt

Do all of you know what a Treasure Hunt is? Nope? Well, You search around my site (and this means ALL of my site, not just the winter pages), and look for a nice little graphics of a grey cloud (It IS winter, isn't it?). After you've found 5 graphics, you mail me the URLs, and if you're right, you'll get this lovely award:

I found the clouds in Racheli's Meadow

But without the "sample" ofcourse. So what you have to do is:
  1. Find all 5 URLs.
  2. Mail me with your name, homepage URL, homepage title, your email address and ofcourse the URLs you found. DO NOT leave a message in my answering machine or guestbook with that! It will not be answered.
  3. If the URLs you sent are correct, I'll send you the award.
  4. You put the award in your site, LINKING it to my site and email me back after doing so.
  5. You're going on my winners list.
  6. We are both happy!! :-)
  7. I'll appreciate it if you'll sign my guestbook, but you don't have to, and you'll get the award even if you won't.
  8. Being nice won't hurt you.
So what are you waiting for??? Go on the Hunt!! :-)

And the Winners Are....

~ Other Winter Pages ~

~ Other Places in Racheli's Meadow ~

Leave a message in my answering machine

sign my guestbook email me view my guestbook

Racheli's creations
© Racheli Sokol